Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Controlling Outcomes

Synchronicity is a real phenomenon. I beleieve that the power of the event drives the event. That is to say that when the mind is focused on on thing, there is power. It draws in to it other things to support that focus.

This of course can be for positive and for negative. When you have bad things happen to you, you may find that more bad things are happening to you. Like attracts like.

We all feel it. A bad day has numerous events within it that seem to make it a culminating event of negativity.

"I wish this day would just end!"

You've said it. You've heard it. Negative attracts more of the same. When it rains it pours.

But then again so can the positive. Good things can also follow good things. A great day, or when "you're in the zone" and things just happen the way they should.

So when I am seeking knowledge, I find that knowledge finds me.

The topic at hand appears everywhere. Why? I don't know. But it just does.

Perhaps this is the way the universe works. Things are meant to work this way.

For the moment I like to refer to it as magick. Not in the stagecraft sense of what we see at a carnival show, but in the sense of the unexplained powers that we have all experienced. The miracles. The moments when we felt something that we may call divine intervention.

There is a power. A faith power. Something subliminal.

But as I am seeking knowledge, knowledge finds me.

Similar things. They appear together. In three's most often. But they come.

I am working to channel it. TO focus this magick. TO find a way to control it for the better.

There is mind over matter. And it seems to be more powerful than anything physical that exists to this point. It just takes some work and some focus.

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