Monday, June 29, 2015

Graham Hancock-Gobekli Tepe, Comet Cataclysm & Lost Civilization - Brill...

Quest for the Lost civilization - Graham Hancock (FULL MOVIE)

Graham Hancock on Freedom

Graham Hancock interviewed for New Dawn magazine | Revisiting 2012

Time Travel In The Bible - Part 1: Jim Wilhelmsen

Michael Jackson and Time Travel

A little bit of fairy tale and myth


Last Night we asked the question. “Can a country with deep Christian roots like Mexico find itself at the mercy of demons or evil entities? The Catholic Church thought so and decided to hold an exorcism for the entire country.
The church cited many reasons why they would conduct such a massive exorcism and that of course is because of the country’s criminal activity like drug smuggling, prostitution and also the high abortion rate.
However many people who have been south of the border know that Mexico and even South America is an area where due to the enormous amount of faith in God, there seems to be an inordinate amount of reports of flying witches called Brujas, ghosts or Phantasmas and even poltergeist activity provided by a number of shadowy creatures called Los Cucuy, Los Duendes, Las Lechuzas.
El Cucuy is said to be an evil monster that hides under children’s bed at night and kidnaps or eats the child that does not obey his/her parents or goes to sleep when it is time to do so. Social sciences professor Manuel Medrano says popular legend describes El Cucuy as a small humanoid with glowing red eyes that hides in closets or under the bed. ‘Some folklore claims that he is a kid who was the victim of violence… saying that he’s alive, but in reality he’s not.
One of the creepiest films that deal with “El Duende” is a film called “The Babadook.”
The Babadook, like many “imaginary” monsters, starts out subtle in its manifestations and slowly gets bolder and more visible but the meaning of the Babadook as a monster and how it affects a young boy and his mother.
At first, the Babadook seems to be the classic “monster under the bed” that children are scared of – however the young boy in the story, Samuel believes that this creature is out to kill his mother.
The film is an emotional rollercoaster for most people who have had imaginary friends when they were kids, or had terrifying experiences with shadow entities.
We all know of shadow creatures that appear in bedrooms. When we were kids we always wondered if there were monsters under the bed or in the closets waiting to take us away in our sleep.
The monsters that lurk under the stairs or under that bed have been a belief that has been encouraged since childhood, in fact there have been many nursery rhymes or songs that have a common theme in Grimmifcation – many have been called Grimmdarks.
It is a common belief that most traditional Children’s songs and stories were designed to inform kids via metaphor about a potentially harsh world in a time where children worked and traveled and were essentially treated more like miniature adults than “kids”. But originally, fairy tales were told to many different audiences, ghost stories and tales of witches, child catchers and conjured entities were also told by frightened villagers.
The legends were based in a belief in paranormal machinations; poorer people were always encountering demons, specters, goblins, and shadowy figures.
These stories were common amongst the peasants – they were graphic, terrifying and even recorded in history as real events. They were then changed and metaphor was used to illustrate a lesson. Only after they were first recorded by early folklorists did the stories obtain morals and, eventually, kiddie-friendly endings that removed the graphic violence and occasional Cruel Twist Ending.
Such is the legend of the Poem Ring around the Rosy, pocket full of posies ashes to ashes we all fall down.
The Black Death had been known in England for centuries as a ghastly and horrible way to die. The victim’s skin turned black in patches, and the inflamed glands or ‘buboes’ in the groin, combined with compulsive vomiting, a swollen tongue and splitting headaches, made it a horrible, agonizing killer.
Though the disease was originally called the “Great Mortality” and the “Great Pestilence,” the name “Black Death” was eventually adopted because of the appearance of black boils caused by dried blood under the skin from internal hemorrhaging.
The first indications of the disease were a red ring that formed around your cheeks. Then you would begin to sneeze as the bacterial infection held you in its deadly embrace. The bacterium would spread to the victims’ lungs, causing them to fill with frothy, bloody liquid. This derivative of the disease was known as the pneumonic plague, and would quickly spread from person to person through the air.
In the spring and summer of 1665, an outbreak of bubonic plague spread from parish to parish until thousands had died and the huge pits dug to receive the bodies were full. People were dying at the rate of 7000 per week.
The smell of death permeated the streets, and it was wise to carry with you a pocket full of flowers to give relief the pungent smell of putridity. Physicians used to carry scented herbs and flowers, in front of their noses in an attempt to ward off the plague. Traditional 17th century London physicians wore long robes and a long beaked mask with posies stuffed inside.
The bodies needed to be burned to kill the bacteria before the mass graves were filled, resulting in the phrase “Ashes Ashes”. In other versions of the verse, the phrase was “Achoo Achoo”, indicating the sneezing associated with the pneumonic plague.
There are many people who have decided that this particular rhyme does in fact have ties to the plague of 1665; however, the first renditions of the rhyme were not written until 1881. This means that, if it were truly a rhyme that was created during the plague, it would have to have been recited for nearly six hundred years. This makes the plague connection suspect.
However, one third of the earth’s population, perhaps more, succumbed to the plague and it could have been picked up very quickly as an elegy or a culling verse, taken from something that was created before. It could be a parody of a previous song or verse.
It is also possible that the rhyme was taken from a Hindu ritual. Richard Stoney has researched the possibility of the rhyme’s being attached to the destruction and reincarnation ritual, “The Twilight Dance of Shiva.” Shiva is known as the god of destruction.
In the ritual, Shiva is encircled with roses. Then a circle of fire moves about Shiva, and mountains flatten and the Universe is burned. The idea is to dance around Shiva until you fall down from exhaustion.
You cough and wheeze “Achoo Achoo “, they all fall down.
Rock a bye baby is a song about the accidental death of an American Indian baby.
Rock-a-bye baby
In the tree top
When the wind blows
The cradle will rock;
When the bough breaks
The cradle will fall,
And down will come baby,
Cradle and all.
The words and lyrics to this nursery rhyme are reputed to reflect the observations of a young pilgrim boy in America who had seen Native Indian mothers suspend a birch bark cradle from the branches of a tree enabling the wind to rock the cradle and the child to sleep. There were times the boughs were too weak and the cradles would fall and break, severely injuring or killing the baby.
Native American dream catchers are intended to trap nightmares. Many parents whose children are victims of demonic harassment hang dream catchers in their children’s bedrooms in hopes of providing their children with peaceful sleep. What these parents don’t realize is that — in addition to not preventing nightmares — hanging the dream catchers will attract more spirits — perhaps even those who play the role of a “poltergeist,” “bogeyman” or a “Duende.”
Old Puritan practices of the 17th century in New England would have parents warning their children of the Incubus and succubus. Namely, sexual demons that would visit them at night and molest them. The parents of the children would encourage putting the Holy Bible kept under their pillow to prevent these beings from creating night terrors.
There are some clergy that believe that the bible becomes an occult tool when special powers are assigned to it. Nowhere in the Bible does it say to use it for protection.
An old prayer offered by children is also said to ward off the dark entities that may lurk under the bed or in a closet.
Now I lay me down top sleep,
I pray the lord my soul to keep,
If I should die before I wake,
I pray the lord my soul to take.
Bedtime stories of The Frog Prince, Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and Little Red Riding Hood are full of fetishism, necrophilia, and shape shifting from humans to serpents to werewolves.
The story of the Frog Prince is the childhood story of an attempted abduction of young girl by a reptilian shape shifter or shadowy figure. A creature with bulging eyes and slimy skin “frog” arrives at a time when a young girl is in distress.
The creature agrees to help her obtain a bauble of great wealth, as long as she allows the creature into her bedroom. The frog helps her, but afterward, the girl ignores the frog. The frog continues to stalk her until she finally allows him into her bedroom. Finally the “frog” changes into a handsome man. Most often he is a Prince, or a member of a royal lineage.
It was simply a tale of warning that those of Royal lineage are deceptive and abuse and abduct the poor.
The story of Little Red Riding Hood seems to be a story of an exorcism being given to a shape shifter that prefers the form of a wolf.
The shape changing wolf appears as Grandma, lying in the bed awaiting the arrival of the young virgin girl with the red hood. The girl offers wine and bread. It is symbolic of trying to get the shape-shifting creature to partake of the holy sacrament.
The entity must shift before it attacks, and so the young girl begins to notice the big teeth and large eyes protruding from Grandma’s skull. In an exchange with her “grandmother” the girl with the red hood points out how you can tell that you are in the presence of a vile creature.
There are bigger eyes that can see you, bigger hands that can hold you down and bigger teeth that can devour you.
Another question is whether or not the little red riding cap or hood belonged to a girl, or an earnest clergyman doing the work of the church in delivering a soul from the clutches of the devil?
As early as the tenth century a member of the Catholic clergy would wear a red biretta. Historically, the biretta was used by all ranks of the clergy from cardinals to deacons and priests.
If we are to believe that these unholy monsters exist, then it would take a man of God to take on the evil of a shape shifting demon that fornicates with the dead and eats their remains.
After all, the story of the hero exists in every account of contacts with these unearthly beasts.
Jesus Christ himself performed an exorcism on the demoniac of the Gerasenes, and yet his story is similar to that which was written by Homer in book 9 of the Odyssey.
Notice how the story in the Bible has been reversed.
Both Jesus and Odysseus sail to a strange land and both meet up with a villain that is possessed by some evil spirit. Polyphemus the Cyclops in the Odyssey and the demoniac in the Bible both live in caves; the demoniac in Jesus’ case lived amongst the rotting dead and had probably had intercourse with the bodies.
When the Cyclops asks the hero who he is, Odysseus says “I am nobody.” When Jesus asks the demoniac who he is, he says that his name is “Legion, for we are many.”
Both monsters feed on the animals around them. The Cyclops would feed on goats nearby and the demoniac on pigs. Did the apostle Mark read Homer and make up the story of Jesus and the demoniac?
It is quite interesting how the stories are interchangeable.
In the book The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty, Father Damien Karras enters into the bedroom of the MacNeil home to talk with the little girl Regan.
Karras stops as he sees Regan on the bed, arms held down by a set of restraining straps. It seems to be no longer entirely Regan. The possession has changed her face. It is now puffy, scratched and bruised. Karras is momentarily taken aback. Then, reining in his revulsion, he slowly and warily closes the door behind him, and walks around to the other side of the bed.
He asks the girl questions.
Karras asks the girl “Are you Regan?
Regan snaps in a dark voice, “I’m the Devil! Now kindly undo these straps! ”
On the movie soundtrack, there are many ethereal voices that accompany the so called devil remarks and you can hear, in both forward and reverse, the words:
“I am no one, I am no one!”
Father Karras then asks “Where’s Regan?”
Regan and the demon reply “In here. With us.”
This, of course, is the same theme as the demoniac claiming that there are many demons inside him. The other demons saying that they are nobody.
Notice how the story is so familiar. It is an unholy simulacrum of what the Apostle Mark wrote about Jesus, what Homer wrote about Odysseus, and what was written about Little Red Riding Hood.
The character enters the dwelling of the possessed human. The human is changed into a hideous looking creature, and an exchange is given. It is acknowledged that the hero is here to destroy the demon, and later the hero is victorious.
As you can see, when you examine selected popular folk tales and children’s stories you begin to see a pattern of death, rebirth and inhumanity. They illustrate basic human problems and appropriate social prescriptions.
They tell us of the constant struggle that plagues mankind, the struggle to remain human and not succumb to the primal urges that are considered demonic.
We are told that it is all a fantasy, yet the stories are told and retold. They are programmed into us in different ways with different interpretations.

They all come from different countries, demons from every shape and belief system and our children develop a fear of the little creatures under the bed because of the probable grimdarks we subject them to.

Secrets of the Vitruvian Code Decoding Washington, D

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Dogma is everywhere

I grew up in a severe religious culture. Not the kind of religion that you participate in casually. It was all or nothing. Some might even call it a cult. I'm undecided on using that term. But that should paint the picture.

Of course it was all crazy. For an outsider, it would seem ludicrous for anyone to be a faithful follower of that religious breed.  I agree. It's crazy town. BUT, on the inside it doesn't always seem that way. Imagine being indoctrinated into a belief system since birth, and your whole life that line of education is continuously pounded into you from the leadership of your community. Over and over and over.

And everyone else around you also believes the crazy. Hook line and sinker. It becomes easier and easier to submit to that dogma and join the crazy train.

And that process is impossible for an outsider to really understand. You have to live it.

And not only do you have to live it, but you need to escape it.

And once you escape it you have to look back on it with fresh eyes.

And like the matrix, you can see that world for what it really was.

Dogma. A control system. An imposed belief system that makes herding the sheep a hellava lot easier.

It wasn't all lies. And that's why it works. A little bit of truth mixed in with an agenda. Just enough truth to get people to bite the hook.

That's what a cult is. That is what modern religion is.

So skipping over my peek behind the curtain and finally seeing who and what was controlling the machine of my religion, here I am.

I made it. So what's next. What happens when everything you had been taught and everything you believed turns out to be a hoax?

First you get pissed.

That will pass.

Then you get hungry.

I was left with a void. I always wanted knowledge. I had so many questions before that couldn't be answered. Now I was left with even more questions because a huge part of my knowledge base turned out to be a fairy tale.

Cool, now I have no limitations. No box to mold my experiences into. No dogmatic worldview that forces me to fit the life experiences I have into, in order for them to make sense.

Nope. None of that. Clean slate.

What happened next was that I immediately went the other way. If religion is false, then of course science right?

Sure. Science is important.

And here comes the other shoe about to drop.

Science as we know it doesn't have all the answers either.

Bummer. No problem. At least with science there is a continuous search for truth and a process to prove the claims of truth that we accept and believe. Right?

Right. Except there is a dogma attached to scientists and it's just as bad as religion.

Another dogma.

Read that again.

Science in its pure form, when it is intellectually honest, is amazing. The answers we don't yet have, we CAN have. We just need to put in the work.

So what do we really know now?

What do I really know? Essentially I know that I just don't know.

There is an overlap, I believe, with our human history, religious texts and science. The stories in scripture may not be literal. I believe they are not. But they are full of symbolism and metaphor. Occult meanings laid out in the form of stories.

Modern religion for the most part neglects these concepts. Instead they focus on the literal, and have faith in fairy tales.

However, if you remove the dogma from religion and realize that there is more to the world than science can yet explain, then pieces begin to fall into place.

Is there a god? I don't think so. Is there life after death? I believe so. Is there a higher power that binds us? My experience tells me yes.

This is just the groundwork for what I have planned to publish in the days to come.

These ideas are beginning to flesh themselves out and manifest. Concepts are becoming more and more clear. The more I learn, the more I realize I don't know.

If anyone tells you they have all the answers...well......

Admiral Byrd ★ Hollow Earth Operation HighJump ✦ Antarctic Expedition 19...


The Inner Earth My Secret Diary by ​Admiral Richard B. Byrd (Feb. Mar. ...

Admiral Richard E Byrd - Operation High jump

Third Reich - Operation UFO (Nazi Base In Antarctica) Complete Documentary

Secret Sex Magick Rituals of the Illuminati

Coast To Coast AM - June 4, 2015 Ancient Giants, The Atomic Clock & Num...

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Freddie Gray False Flag Fully Exposed

The U.N and NASA's Global Deception-The Significance of Mankind & Our Fl...

Matrix World | Simulated Reality Documentary | 2015

Pre-Gravity Theory Flat Earth Debate - 2015

Rep Giffords Operation Safeway EXPOSED

Tucson Shooting Inconsistencies- Part 1 The Gabrielle Giffords Gun Contr...

Tucson Shooting Inconsistencies - Part 2

Tucson Shooting Inconsistencies Part 2.5

Tucson Shooting Inconsistencies Part 3 - Who is Joe Zamudio?

Tucson Inconsistencies- Part 4

Tucson Inconsistencies - Part 5

My first magick sigil

I have become fascinated with the concept of magick.  I'm not talking about illusionist that perform for entertainment, but no bullshit, I like that too.

No, I'm referring to the concept of magick. The ability to mold events in our lives using powers we can't always explain.

Recently I dabbled with a very basic magick spell. Completely harmless and simple.

I created a sigil.

My goal was also very simple. I wasn't trying to cast a spell for all the money in the world, I just wanted something small to improve in my life.

I did the ritual as prescribed, ( details on the process are easy to find), and sat back to reap the rewards.

Actually I continued living my life and forgot about the ritual completely. But it seemed to work. 

So what really is this "magick"? 

What makes it different than a prayer, or simply focusing on achieving a goal that we want to achieve?

I'm not completely sure, but I do believe that our subconscious mind has power to affect our reality by forces we do not understand.

When a religious faithful claims that prayer and fasting works, what are they really experiencing?

They focus their energy on an idea and the results come. Of course they might be consciencly placing the power in an unknown persons control, by submitting to God, but they get arguably good results.

What about the a non religious person who makes a "dream board" and also achieves their goal?

Humans have always found ways to use this magick, and have often enjoyed the results, but I think they really don't understand the process. 

I admit I don't understand it. 

However I feel there is a power of the subconscious that has yet to be explained, but is real.

My magick sigil spell worked. 

My next step is to understand it.  

We can all enjoy the benefits of this unseen power, I hope that there is the possibility of truly being able to fully control it. 

The real power of that idea is overwhelming.

This world is much more amazing than we have been led to believe 

Eric Dollard | Revealing Secret Sciences, Tesla Tech, & The Physics Fallacy

Higherside Chats 21: Anthony Peake - Reality and Consciousness

Dogma in science is just as bad as dogma in religion

I grew up in a severe religious culture. Not the kind of religion that you participate in casually. It was all or nothing. Some might even call it a cult. I'm undecided on using that term. But that should paint the picture.

Of course it was all crazy. For an outsider, it would seem ludicrous for anyone to be a faithful follower of that religious breed.  I agree. It's crazy town. BUT, on the inside it doesn't always seem that way. Imagine being indoctrinated into a belief system since birth, and your whole life that line of education is continuously pounded into you from the leadership of your community. Over and over and over.

And everyone else around you also believes the crazy. Hook line and sinker. It becomes easier and easier to submit to that dogma and join the crazy train. 

And that process is impossible for an outsider to really understand. You have to live it. 

And not only do you have to live it, but you need to escape it. 

And once you escape it you have to look back on it with fresh eyes. 

And like the matrix, you can see that world for what it really was.

Dogma. A control system. An imposed belief system that makes herding the sheep a hellava lot easier.  

It wasn't all lies. And that's why it works. A little bit of truth mixed in with an agenda. Just enough truth to get people to bite the hook. 

That's what a cult is. That is what modern religion is. 

So skipping over my peek behind the curtain and finally seeing who and what was controlling the machine of my religion, here I am.

I made it. So what's next. What happens when everything you had been taught and everything you believed turns out to be a hoax?

First you get pissed. 

That will pass.

Then you get hungry.

I was left with a void. I always wanted knowledge. I had so many questions before that couldn't be answered. Now I was left with even more questions because a huge part of my knowledge base turned out to be a fairy tale.

Cool, now I have no limitations. No box to mold my experiences into. No dogmatic worldview that forces me to fit the life experiences I have into, in order for them to make sense.

Nope. None of that. Clean slate.

What happened next was that I immediately went the other way. If religion is false, then of course science right?

Sure. Science is important. 

And here comes the other shoe about to drop.

Science as we know it doesn't have all the answers either. 

Bummer. No problem. At least with science there is a continuous search for truth and a process to prove the claims of truth that we accept and believe. Right?

Right. Except there is a dogma attached to scientists and it's just as bad as religion. 

Another dogma.

Read that again.

Science in its pure form, when it is intellectually honest, is amazing. The answers we don't yet have, we CAN have. We just need to put in the work.

So what do we really know now?

What do I really know? Essentially I know that I just don't know.

There is an overlap, I believe, with our human history, religious texts and science. The stories in scripture may not be literal. I believe they are not. But they are full of symbolism and metaphor. Occult meanings laid out in the form of stories. 

Modern religion for the most part neglects these concepts. Instead they focus on the literal, and have faith in fairy tales.

However, if you remove the dogma from religion and realize that there is more to the world than science can yet explain, then pieces begin to fall into place.

Is there a god? I don't think so. Is there life after death? I believe so. Is there a higher power that binds us? My experience tells me yes.

This is just the groundwork for what I have planned to publish in the days to come. 

These ideas are beginning to flesh themselves out and manifest. Concepts are becoming more and more clear. The more I learn, the more I realize I don't know.

If anyone tells you they have all the answers...well......

Monday, June 15, 2015

3 Time Travel Paradoxes!!

Could You Live Forever?

NASA Faking/Fubared The International Space Station?

Grant Morrison Disinformation lecture on magick and the Universe.

Frater X | The Illuminati Hijack of History, Consciousness, & Freemasonry

Noah, Atlantis and the Nephilim: Frater X Interview.

Cathy O'Brien - Mind Control and Sandy Hook

Cathy O'Brien: Ex-Illuminati Mind Control Victim

Bosnian Pyramids Edge TV

Admiral Byrd's Epoch-Making Discovery

The Hollow Earth
Chapter 1:
Admiral Byrd's Epoch-Making Discovery

By: Dr. R. W. Bernard, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.

The Greatest Geographical Discovery in Human History 

"That enchanted Continent in the Sky, Land of Everlasting Mystery! 

"I'd like to see that land beyond the (North) Pole. That area beyond the Pole is the Center of the Great Unknown:" 

Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd 

The above two statements by the greatest explorer in modern times, Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd of the United States Navy, cannot be understood nor make any sense according to old geographical theories that the earth is a solid sphere with a fiery core, on which both North and South Poles are fixed points. If such was the case, and if Admiral Byrd flew for 1,700 and 2,300 miles respectively across North and South Poles, to the icy and snowbound lands that lie on the other side, whose geography is fairly well known, it would be incomprehensible for him to make such a statement, referring to this territory on the other side of the Poles as "the great unknown". 

Also, he would have no reason to use such a term as "Land of Everlasting Mystery". Byrd was not a poet, and what he described was what he observed from his airplane. During his Arctic flight of 1,700 miles beyond the North Pole he reported by radio that he saw below him, not ice and snow, but land areas consisting of mountains, forests, green vegetation, lakes and rivers, and in the underbrush saw a strange animal resembling the mammoth found frozen in Arctic ice. Evidently he had entered a warmer region than the icebound Territory that extends from the Pole to Siberia. If Byrd had this region in mind he would have no reason to call it the "Great Unknown", since it could be reached by flying across the Pole to the other side of the Arctic region. 

The only way that we can understand Byrd's enigmatical statements is if we discard the traditional conception of the formation of the earth and entertain an entirely new one, according to which its Arctic and Antarctic extremities are not convex but concave, and that Byrd entered into the polar concavities when he went beyond the Poles. In other words, he did not travel across the Poles to the other side, but entered into the polar concavity or depression, which, as we shall see later in this book, opens to the hollow interior of the earth, the home of plant, animal and human life, enjoying a tropical climate. This is the "Great Unknown" to which Byrd had reference when he made this statement - and not the ice - and snow-bound area on the other side of the North Pole, extending to the upper reaches of Siberia. 

The new geographical theory presented in this book, for the first time, makes Byrd's strange, enigmatical statements comprehensible and shows that the great explorer was not a dreamer, as may appear to one who holds on to old geographical theories. Byrd had entered an entirely new territory, which was "unknown" because it was not on any map, and it was not on any map because all maps have been made on basis of the belief that the earth is spherical and solid. Since nearly all lands on this solid sphere have been explored and recorded by polar explorers, there could not be room on such maps for the territory that Admiral Byrd discovered, and which he called the "Great Unknown" - unknown because not on any map. It was an area of land as large as North America. 

This mystery can only be solved if we accept the basic conception of the earth's formation presented in this book and supported by the observations of Arctic explorers which will be cited here. According to this new revolutionary conception, the earth is not a solid sphere, but is hollow, with openings at the Poles, and Admiral Byrd entered these openings for a distance of some 4,000 miles during his 1947 and 1956 Arctic and Antarctic expeditions. The "Great Unknown" to which Byrd referred was the iceless land area inside the polar concavities, opening to the hollow interior of the earth. If this conception is correct, as we shall attempt to prove, then both North and South Poles cannot exist, since they would be in midair, in the center of the polar openings, and would not be on the earth's surface. 

This view was first presented by an American writer, William Reed, in a book, "Phantom of the Poles", published in 1906 soon after Admiral Peary claimed to have discovered the North Pole and denying that he really did. In 1920 another book was published, written by Marshall Gardner, called "A Journey to the Earth's Interior or Have the Poles Really Been Discovered?", making the same claim. Strangely, Gardner had no knowledge of Reed's book and came to his conclusions independently. Both Reed and Gardner claimed that the earth was hollow, with openings at the poles and that in its interior lives a vast population of millions of inhabitants, composing an advanced civilization. This is probably the "Great Unknown" to which Admiral Byrd referred. 

To repeat, Byrd could not have had any part of the Earth's known surface in mind when he spoke of the "Great Unknown", but rather a new, hitherto unknown land area, free from ice and snow, with green vegetation, forests and animal life, that exists nowhere on the Earth's surface but inside the polar depression, receiving its heat from its hollow interior, which has a higher temperature than the surface, with which it communicates. Only on the basis of this conception can we understand Admiral Byrd's statements. 

In January, 1956, Admiral Byrd led another expedition to the Antarctic and there penetrated for 2,300 miles *beyond* the South Pole. The radio announcement at this time (January 13, 1956) said: "On January 13, members of the United States expedition penetrated a land extent of 2,300 miles *beyond* the Pole. The flight was made by Rear Admiral George Dufek of the United States Navy Air Unit." 

The word "beyond" is very significant and will be puzzling to those who believe in the old conception of a solid earth. It would then mean the region on the other side of the Antarctic continent and the ocean beyond, and would not be "a vast new territory" (not on any map), nor would his expedition that found this territory be "the most important expedition in the history of the world". The geography of Antarctica is fairly well known, and Admiral Byrd has not added anything significant to our knowledge of the Antarctic continent. If this is the case, then why should he make such apparently wild and unsupported statements - especially in view of his high standing as a rear admiral of the U.S. Navy and his reputation as a great explorer? 

This enigma is solved when we understand the new geographical theory of a Hollow Earth, which is the only way we can see sense in Admiral Byrd's statements and not consider him as a visionary who saw mirages in the polar regions or at least imagined he did. 

After returning from his Antarctic expedition on March 13, 1956, Byrd remarked: "The present expedition has opened up a vast new land." The word "land" is very significant. He could not have referred to any part of the Antarctic continent, since none of it consists of "land" and all of it of ice, and, besides, its geography is fairly well known and Byrd did not make any noteworthy contribution to Antarctic geography, as other explorers did, who left their names as memorials in the geography of this area. If Byrd discovered a vast new area in the Antarctic, he would claim it for the United States Government and it would be named after him, just as would be the case if his 1,700 mile flight beyond the North Pole was over the earth's surface between the Pole and Siberia. 

But we find no such achievements to the credit of the great explorer, nor did he leave his name in Arctic and Antarctic geography to the extent that his statements about discovering a new vast land area would indicate. If his Antarctic expedition opened up a new immense region of ice on the frozen continent of Antarctica, it would not be appropriate to use the word "land," which means an iceless region similar to that over which Byrd flew for 1,700 miles beyond the North Pole, which had green vegetation, forests and animal life. We may therefore conclude that his 1956 expedition for 2,300 miles beyond the South Pole was over similar iceless territory not recorded on any map, and not over any part of the Antarctic continent. 

The next year, in 1957, before his death, Byrd called this land beyond the South Pole (not "ice" on the other side of the South Pole) "that enchanted continent in the sky, land of everlasting mystery." He could not have used this statement if he referred to the part of the icy continent of Antarctica that lies on the other side of the South Pole. The words "everlasting mystery" obviously refer to something else. They refer to the warmer territory not shown on any map that lies inside the South Polar Opening leading to the hollow interior of the Earth. 

The expression "that enchanted continent in the sky" obviously refers to a land area, and not ice, mirrored in the sky which acts as a mirror, a strange phenomenon observed by many polar explorers, who speak of "the island in the sky" or "water sky," depending or whether the sky of polar regions reflects land or water. If Byrd saw the reflection of water or ice he would not use the word "continent," nor call it an "enchanted" continent. It was "enchanted" because, according to accepted geographical conceptions, this continent which Byrd saw reflected in the sky (where water globules act as a mirror for the surface below) could not exist. 

We shall now quote from Ray Palmer, editor of "Flying Saucers" magazine and a leading American expert on flying saucers, who is of the opinion that Admiral Byrd's discoveries in the Arctic and Antarctic regions offer an explanation of the origin of the flying saucers, which, he believes, do not come from other planets, but from the hollow interior of the earth, where exists an advanced civilization far in advance of us in aeronautics, using flying saucers for aerial travel, coming to the outside of the earth through the polar openings. Palmer explains his views as follows: 

"How well known Is the Earth? Is there any area on Earth that can be regarded as a possible origin of the flying saucers? There are two. The two major areas of importance are the Antarctic and the Arctic. 

"Admiral Byrd's two flights over both Poles prove that there is a `strangeness' about the shape of the Earth in both polar areas. Byrd flew to the North Pole, but did not stop there and turn back, but went for 1, 700 miles beyond it, and then retraced his course to his Arctic base (due to his gasoline supply running low). As progress was made beyond the Pole point, iceless land and lakes, mountains covered with trees, and even a monstrous animal, resembling the mammoth of antiquity, was seen moving through the underbrush; and all this was reported via radio by the plane occupants. For almost all of the 1,700 miles, the plane flew over land, mountains, trees, lakes and rivers. 

"What was this unknown land? Did Byrd, in traveling due north, enter into the hollow interior of the Earth through the north polar opening? Later Byrd's expedition went to the South Pole and after passing it, went 2,300 miles beyond it. 

"Once again we have penetrated an unknown and mysterious land which does not appear on today's maps. And once again we find no announcement beyond the initial announcement of the achievement (due to official suppression of news about it - author). And, strangest of all, we find the world's millions absorbing the announcements and registering a complete blank in so far as curiosity is concerned. 

"Here, then, are the facts. At both poles exist unknown and vast land areas, not in the least uninhabitable, extending distances which can only be called tremendous because they encompass an area bigger than any known continental area! The North Pole Mystery Land seen Byrd and his crew is at least l,700 miles across its traversed direction, and cannot be conceived to be merely a narrow strip. It is an area perhaps as large as the entire United States! 

"In the case of the South Pole, the land traversed beyond the Pole included an area as big as North America plus the south polar continent. 

"The flying saucers could come from these two unknown lands `beyond the Poles'. It is the opinion of the editors of "Flying Saucers" magazine that the existence of these lands cannot be disproved by anyone, considering the facts of the two expeditions which we have outlined." 

If Rear Admiral Byrd claimed that his south polar expedition was "the most important expedition in the history of the world," and if, after he returned from the expedition, he remarked, "The present expedition has opened up a new vast land," it would be strange and inexplicable how such a great discovery of a new land area as large as North America, comparable to Columbus's discovery of America, should have received no attention and have been almost totally forgotten, so that nobody knew about it, from the most ignorant to the most learned. 

The only rational explanation of this mystery is after the brief announcement in the American press based on Admiral Byrd's radio report, further publicity was suppressed by the Government, in whose employ Byrd was working, and which had important political reasons why Admiral Byrd's historic discovery should not be made known to the world. For he had discovered two unknown land areas measuring a total of 4,000 miles across and probably as large as both the North and South American continents, since Byrd's planes turned back without reaching the end of this territory not recorded on any map. Evidently, the United States Government feared that some other government may learn about Byrd's discovery and conduct similar flights, going much further into it than Byrd did, and perhaps claiming this land area as its own. 

Commenting on Byrd's statement, made in 1957 shortly before his death, in which he called the new territory he discovered beyond the Poles "that enchanted continent in the sky" and "land of everlasting mystery," Palmer says: 

"Considering all this, is there any wonder that all the nations of the world suddenly found the south polar region (particularly) and the north polar region so intensely interesting and important, and have launched explorations on a scale actually tremendous in scope?" 

Palmer concludes that this new land area that Byrd discovered and which is not on any map, exists inside and not outside the earth, since the geography of the outside is quite well known, whereas that of the inside (within the polar depression) is "unknown." For that reason Byrd called it the "Great Unknown." 

After discussing the significance of the use of the term "beyond" the Pole by Byrd instead of "across" the Pole to the other side of Arctic or Antarctic regions, Palmer concludes that what Byrd referred to was an unknown land area inside the polar concavity and connecting with the warmer interior of the Earth, which accounts for its green vegetation and animal life. It is "unknown" because it is not on the Earth's outer surface and hence is not recorded on any map. Palmer writes: 

"In February of 1947, Admiral Richard E. Byrd, the one man who has done the most to make the North Pole a known area, made the following statement: `I'd like to see the land beyond the Pole. That area beyond the Pole is the center of the Great Unknown'. 

"Millions of people read this statement in their daily newspapers. And millions thrilled at the Admiral's subsequent flight to the Pole and to a point 1,700 miles beyond it. Millions heard the radio broadcast description of the flight, which was also published in newspapers. 

"What land was it? Look at your map. Calculate the distance from all the known lands we have previously mentioned (Siberia, Spitzbergen, Alaska, Canada, Finland, Norway, Greenland and Iceland). A good portion of them are well within the 1,700 mile range. But none of them are within 200 miles of the Pole. Byrd flew over no known land. He himself called it `the great unknown.' And great it is indeed. For after l,700 miles over land, he was forced by gasoline supply shortage to return, and he had not yet reached the end of it; He should have been back to `civilization.' But he was not. He should have seen nothing but ice-covered ocean, or at the very most, partially open ocean. Instead he was over mountains covered with forest. 


"Incredible! The northernmost limit of the timber-line is located well down into Alaska, Canada and Siberia. North of that line, no tree grows! All around the North Pole, the tree does not grow within 1,700 miles of the Pole. 

"What have we here? We have the well-authenticated flight of Admiral Richard E. Byrd to a land beyond the Pole that he so much wanted to see, because it was the center of the great unknown, the center of mystery. Apparently, he had his wish gratified to the fullest, yet today, nowhere is this mysterious land mentioned. Why? Was that 1947 flight fiction? Did all the newspapers lie? Did the radio from Byrd's plane lie ? 

"No, Admiral Byrd did fly beyond the Pole. 


"What did the Admiral mean when he used that word? How is it possible to go `beyond' the Pole? Let us consider for a moment. Let us imagine that we are transported by some miraculous means to the exact point of the North Magnetic Pole. We arrive there instantaneously, not knowing from which direction we came. And all we know is that we are to proceed from the Pole to Spitzbergen. But where is Spitzbergen? Which way do we go? South of course: But which South? All directions from the North Pole are south! 

"This is actually a simple navigational problem. All expeditions to the Pole, whether flown, or by submarine, or on foot, have been faced with this problem. Either they must retrace their steps, or discover which southerly direction is the correct one to their destination, wherever it has been determined to be. The problem is solved by making a turn in any direction, and proceeding approximately 20 miles. Then we stop, measure the stars, correlate with our compass reading (which no longer points straight down, but toward the North Magnetic Pole), and plot our course on the map. Then it is a simple matter to proceed to Spitzbergen by going south. 

"Admiral Byrd did not follow this traditional navigational procedure. When he reached the Pole, he continued for 1, 700 miles. To all intents and purposes, he continued on a northerly course, after crossing the Pole. And weirdly, it stands on record that he succeeded, or he would not see that `land beyond the Pole,' which to this day, if we are to scan the records of newspapers, books. radio, television and word of mouth, has never been revisited. 

"That land, on today's maps, cannot exist. But since it does, we can only conclude that today's maps are incorrect, incomplete and do not represent a true picture of the Northern Hemisphere. 

"Having thus located a great land mass in the North, not on any map today, a land which is the center of the great unknown, which can only be construed to imply that the 1,709 mile extent traversed by Byrd is only a portion of it." 

Such an important discovery, which Byrd called "the most important" in the history of the world, should have been known to everyone, if information about it was not suppressed to such an extent that it was almost completely forgotten until Giannini mentioned it in his book "Worlds Beyond the Poles," published in New York in 1959. Similarly, Giannini's book, for some strange reason, was not advertised by the publisher and remained unknown. 

At the end of the same year, 1959, Ray Palmer, editor of "Flying Saucers" magazine, gave publicity to Admiral Byrd's discovery, about which he learned in a copy of Giannini's book he read. He was so much impressed that in December of that year he published this information in his magazine, which was for sale on newsstands throughout the United States. Then followed a series of strange incidents, indicating that secret forces were at work to prevent the information contained in the December issue of "Flying Saucers" magazine, derived from Giannini's book, from reaching the public. 

Who are these secret forces that have a special reason to suppress the release of information about Admiral Byrd's great discovery of new land areas not on any map. Obviously, they are the same forces that suppressed news release of information, except for a brief press notice, after Byrd made his great discovery and before Giannini published the first public statement about it in many years, in 1959, twelve years after the discovery was made. 

Palmer's announcement of Byrd's discoveries in the Arctic and Antarctic was the first large scale publicity since the time they were made and briefly announced, and so much more significant than Giannini's quotations and statements in his book that was not properly advertised and enjoyed a limited sale. For this reason, soon after the December, 1959 issue of "Flying Saucers" was ready to mail to subscribers and placed on newsstands, it was mysteriously removed from circulation - evidently by the same secret forces that suppressed the public release of this information since 1947. When the truck arrived to deliver the magazines from the printer to the publisher, no magazines were found in the truck! A phone call by the publisher (Mr. Palmer) to the printer resulted in his not finding any shipping receipt proving shipment to have been made. The magazines having been paid for, the publisher asked that the printer return the plates to the press and run off the copies due. But, strangely, the plates were not available, and were so badly damaged that no re-printing could be made. 

But where were the thousands of magazines that had been printed and mysteriously disappeared? Why was there no shipping receipt? If it was lost and the magazines were sent to the wrong address, they would turn up somewhere. But they did not. 

As a result, 5000 subscribers did not get the magazine. One distributor who received 750 copies to sell on his newsstand was reported missing, and 750 magazines disappeared with him. These magazines were sent to him with the request that they be returned if not delivered. They did not come back. Since the magazine disappeared completely, several months later it was republished and sent to subscribers. 

What did this magazine contain that caused it to be suppressed in this manner - by invisible nd secret forces? It contained a report of Admiral Byrd's flight beyond the North Pole in 1947, knowledge concerning which was previously suppressed except for mention of it in Giannini's book, "Worlds Beyond the Poles." The December, 1959 issue of "Flying Saucers" was obviously considered as dangerous by the secret forces that had a special reason to withhold this information from the world and keep it secret. In this issue of "Flying Saucers," the following statements were quoted from Giannini's book: 

"Since December 12, 1929, U.S. Navy polar expeditions have determined the existence of indeterminable land extent beyond the Pole points. 

"On January 13, 1956, as this book was being prepared, a U.S. air unit penetrated to the extent of 2,300 miles beyond the assumed South Pole end of the earth. That flight was always over land and water and ice. For very substantial reasons, the memorable flight received negligible press notice. 

"The United States and more than thirty other nations prepared unprecedented polar expeditions for 1957-1958 to penetrate land now proved to extend beyond both Pole points. My original disclosure of then unknown land beyond the Poles, in 1926-1928, was captioned by the press as `more daring than anything Jules Verne ever conceived' Then Giannini quoted the following statements by Admiral Byrd we have presented above: 

"1947: February. `I'd like to see that land beyond the Pole. That area beyond the Pole is the center of the great unknown.'
- Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, United States Navy, before his seven-hour flight over land beyond the North Pole. 

"1956: January 13. `On January 13, members of the United States expedition accomplished a flight of 2,700 miles from the base at McMurdo Sound, which is 400 miles west of the South Pole, and penetrated a land extent of 2,300 miles beyond the Pole.'
- Radio announcement, confirmed by press of February 5. 

"1956: March 13. `The present expedition has opened up a vast new land'
- Admiral Byrd, after returning from the Land beyond the South Pole. 

"1957: `That enchanting continent in the sky, land of everlasting mystery'
- Admiral Byrd." 

No attention was given by the scientific world to Giannini's book. The strange and revolutionary geographical theory it presented was ignored as eccentric rather than scientific. Yet Admiral Byrd's statements only make sense if some such conception of the existence of "land beyond the Poles," as Giannini claimed to exist, is accepted. Giannini writes: 

"There is no physical end of the Earth's northern and southern extremities. The Earth cannot be circumnavigated north and south within the meaning of the word, `circumnavigate.' However, certain `round the world' flights have contributed to the popular misconception that the Earth has been circumnavigated north and south. 

"`Over the North Pole,' with return to the North Temperate Zone areas, without turning around, can never be accomplished because there is no northern end of the Earth. The same conditions hold true for the South Pole. 

"The existence of worlds beyond the Poles has been confirmed by United States Naval exploration during the past thirty years. The confirmation is substantial. The world's eldest explorer, Rear Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd commanded the government's memorable expedition into that endless land beyond the South Pole. Prior to his departure from San Francisco he delivered the momentous radio announcement, `This is the most important expedition in the history of the world.' The subsequent January 13, 1956 penetration of land beyond the Pole to the extent of 2,300 miles proved that the Admiral had not been exaggerating." 

Commenting on Giannini's statements about the impossibility of going straight north, over the North Pole and reaching the other side of the world, which would be the case if the Earth was convex, rather than concave, at the Pole, Palmer writes in his magazine, "Flying Saucers:" 

"Many of the readers stated that commercial flights continually cross the Pole and fly to the opposite side of the Earth. This is not true, and though the Airline officials themselves, when asked, might say that they do, it is not literally true. They do make navigational maneuvers which automatically eliminate a flight beyond the Pole in a straight line, in every sense. Ask the pilots of these polar flights. And when they come to the exact point, name one trans-polar flight on which you can buy a ticket which actually crosses the North Pole. 

"Examining the route of flights across the North Polar area we always find that they go around the Pole or to the side of it and never directly across it. This is strange. Surely a flight advertised as passing directly over the North Pole would attract many passengers who would like to have that experience. Yet, strangely, no airline offers such a flight. Their air routes always pass on one side of the Pole. Why? Is it not possible that if they went straight across the Pole, instead of landing on the opposite side of the Earth, the plane would go to that land beyond the Pole, `the center of the Great Unknown', as Admiral Byrd called it?" 

Palmer suggests that such an expedition that travels directly north and continues north after reaching the North Pole point (which he believes is in the center of the polar concavity and not on solid land at all) should be organized, retracing Admiral Byrd's route and continuing onward in the same direction, until the hollow interior of the earth is reached. This, apparently, was never done, in spite of the fact that the United States Navy, in its archives, has a record of Admiral Byrd's flights and discoveries. Perhaps the reason for this is that the new geographical conception of the Earth's formation in the polar regions, which is necessary to accept before the true significance of Admiral Byrd's findings can be appreciated, was not held by Navy chiefs, who, as a result, put the matter aside and forgot about it. 

The above statement by Palmer that commercial airlines do not pass over the North Pole seems reasonable in the light of new Soviet discoveries in relation to the North Magnetic Pole, which was found not to be a point but a long line, which we believe is a circular line, constituting the rim of the polar concavity, so that any point on this circle could be called the North Magnetic Pole, because here the needle of the compass dips directly downward. If this is the case, then it would be impossible for airplanes to cross the North Pole, which is in the center of the polar depression and not on the Earth's surface, as according to the theory of a solid Earth and convex formation on the Pole. When airplanes believe they reached the North Pole, according to compass readings, they really reach the rim of the polar concavity, where is the true North Magnetic Pole. 

Referring to Giannini's book, Palmer comments: 

"The strange book written by Giannini has offered the one possibility by which it can definitely be proved that the Earth is shaped strangely at the North Pole, as we believe it to be at the South Pole, not necessarily with a hole all the way through, but like a doughnut which has swelled so much in cooking that the hole is only a deep depression at each end, or like a gigantic auto tire mounted on a solid hub with recessed hub caps. 

"No human being has ever flown directly over the North Pole and continued straight on. Your editor thinks it should be done and done immediately. We have the planes to do it. Your editor wants to know for sure whether such a flight would wind up in any of the countries surrounding the North Pole, necessarily exactly opposite the starting point. Navigation is not to be made by the compass or by triangulation on existing maps, but solely by gyro compass on an undeviated straight course from the moment of take-off to the moment of landing. And not only a gyro compass in a horizontal plane, but one in a vertical plane also (after one enters the polar opening). There must be a positive forward motion which cannot be disputed. 

"Everyone knows that a horizontal gyro compass, such as used now, causes a plane to continually gain in elevation as the Earth curves away below it, as it progresses. Now, according to our theory of polar depression, this would mean that when a plane enters into this depression, the gyro compass should show a much greater gain in elevation than should otherwise be the case, due to the Earth's curving inward at the North Pole. Now, if the plane continues in a northerly course, this gain in altitude will continue the further it goes; and if the plane tries to maintain the same altitude, it will curve into the hollow interior of the earth." 

The following statements by Giannini, written in a letter to an inquirer, who read about him in Palmer's "Flying Saucers" magazine, are interesting: 

"The author was extended courtesy by the New York office of U.S. Naval Research, to transmit a radio message of godspeed to Rear Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd, U.S.N., at his Arctic base in February, 1947. 

"At that time the late Rear Admiral Byrd announced through the press, `I'd like to see the land beyond the Pole. That land beyond the Pole is the center of the great unknown.' Subsequently, Admiral Byrd and a naval task force executed a seven hour flight of 1,700 miles over land extending beyond the theorized North Pole `end' of the Earth. 

"In January, 1947, prior to the flight, this author was enabled to sell a series of newspaper features to an international feature syndicate only because of this author's assurance to the syndicate director that Byrd would in fact go beyond the imaginary North Pole point. 

"As a result of the author's prior knowledge of the then commonly unknown land extending beyond the pole points, and after the syndicated features had been released to the press, the author was investigated by the office of the U. S. Naval Intelligence. That Intelligence investigation was due to the fact of Byrd's definite confirmation of the author's revolutionary theories. 

"Later, in March, 1958, the author delivered a radio address in Missouri, expressing the importance of the discovery of land beyond the imaginary North Pole and South Pole points of archaic theory. " 

Speaking of the reports of Admiral Byrd's February 1947 flight beyond the North Pole, which appeared in New York newspapers, Giannini comments: 

"These accounts described Byrd's 1,700 mile flight of seven hours over land and fresh water lakes BEYOND the assumptive North Pole `end' of the Earth. And the dispatches were intensified until a strict censorship was imposed from Washington." 

Another American writer on flying saucers, Michael X, was impressed by Byrd's discoveries, and came to the conclusion that flying saucers must come from an advanced civilization in the Earth's interior, whose outer fringes Byrd visited. He describes Byrd's trip as follows: 

"There was a strange valley below them. For some strange reason the valley Byrd saw was not ice-covered, as it should have been. It was green and luxuriant. There were mountains with thick forests of trees on them, and there was lush grass and underbrush. Most amazingly, a huge animal was observed moving through the underbrush. In a land of ice, snow and almost perpetual `deep freeze,' this was a stupendous mystery. 

"When Admiral Byrd went into this unknown country, into `the center of the great unknown,' where was he? In the light of the theory of Marshall Gardner, he was at the very doorway that leads to the earth's interior and which lies beyond the Pole. 

"Both Alaska and Canada have had much more of their share of sightings of flying saucers in recent months. Why? Is there some connection with the `land beyond the Pole' - that unknown territory inside the earth? 

"There must be a connection. If the flying saucers enter and leave the earth's interior by way of the polar openings, it is natural that they would be seen by Alaskans and Canadians much more frequently than they would be by people in other parts of the world. Alaska is close to the North Pole and so is Canada." 

The above observations of a concentration of flying saucers in the Arctic region corresponds to similar observations by Jarrold and Bender of a concentration in the Antarctic, where they are believed by flying saucer experts to have a landing base, from where they are seen to ascend and return. However, according to the theory of this book, what really occurs, in the Antarctic as in the Arctic, is that the flying saucers emerge from and reenter the polar opening leading to the hollow interior of the Earth, their true place of origin. 

Aime Michel, in his `straight line' theory, proved that most of the flight patterns of the flying saucers are in a north-south direction, which is exactly what would be true if their origin was polar, coming from either the north or south polar opening. 

In February 1947, about the time when Admiral Byrd made his great discovery of land beyond the North Pole, another remarkable discovery was made in the continent of Antarctica, the discovery of "Bunger's Oasis." This discovery was made by Lt. Commander David Bunger who was at the controls of one of six large transport planes used by Admiral Byrd for the U. S. Navy's `Operation Highjump' (1946-1947). 

Bunger was flying inland from the Shackleton Ice Shelf near Queen Mary Coast of Wilkes Land. He and his crew were about four miles from the coastline where open water lies. 

The land Bunger discovered was ice-free. The lakes were of many different colors, ranging from rusty red, green to deep blue. Each of the lakes was more than three miles long. The water was warmer than the ocean, as Bunger found by landing his seaplane on one of the lakes. Each lake had a gently sloping beach.

Around the four edges of the oasis, which was roughly square in shape, Bunger saw endless and eternal white snow and ice. Two sides of the oasis rose nearly a hundred feet high, and consisted of great ice walls. The other two sides had a more gradual and gentle slope. 

The existence of such an oasis in the far Antarctic, a land of perpetual ice, would indicate warmer conditions there, which would exist if the oasis was in the south polar opening, leading to the warmer interior of the earth, as was the case with the warmer territory, with land and lakes, that Admiral Byrd discovered beyond the North Pole, which was probably within the north polar opening. Otherwise one cannot explain the existence of such an oasis of unfrozen territory in the midst of the continent of Antarctica with ice miles thick. The oasis could not result from volcanic activity below the Earth's surface, for, since the land area of the oasis covered three hundred square miles, it was too big to be affected by volcanic heat supply. Warm wind currents from the Earth's interior are a better explanation. 

Thus Byrd in the Arctic and Bunger in the Antarctic both made similar discoveries of warmer land areas beyond the Poles at about the same time, early in 1947. But they were not the only ones to make such a discovery. Some time ago a newspaper in Toronto, Canada, "The Globe and Mail," published a photo of a green valley taken by an aviator in the Arctic region. Evidently the aviator took the picture from the air and did not attempt to land. It was a beautiful valley and contained rolling green hills. The aviator must have gone beyond the North Pole into the same warmer territory that Admiral Byrd visited, which lies inside the polar opening. This picture was published in 1960. 

In further confirmation of Admiral Byrd's discovery are reports of individuals who claimed they had entered the north polar opening, as many Arctic explorers did without knowing they did, and penetrated far enough into it to reach the Subterranean World in the hollow interior of the Earth. Dr. Nephi Cottom of Los Angeles reported that one of his patients, a man of Nordic descent, told him the following story: 

"I lived near the Arctic Circle in Norway. One summer my friend and I made up our minds to take a boat trip together, and go as far as we could into the north country. So we put one month's food provisions in a small fishing boat, and with sail and also a good engine in our boat, we set to sea. 

"At the end of one month we had traveled far into the north, beyond the Pole and into a strange new country. We were much astonished at the weather there. Warm, and at times at night it was almost too warm to sleep. (Arctic explorers who penetrated into the far north have made similar reports of warm weather, at times warm enough to make them shed their heavy clothing - Author). Then we saw something so strange that we both were astonished. Ahead of the warm open sea we were on what looked like a great mountain. Into that mountain at a certain point the ocean seemed to be emptying. Mystified, we continued in that direction and found ourselves sailing into a vast canyon leading into the interior of the Earth. We kept sailing and then we saw what surprised us - a sun shining inside the earth! 

"The ocean that had carried us into the hollow interior of the Earth gradually became a river. This river led, as we came to realize later, all through the inner surface of the world from one end to the other. It can take you, if you follow it long enough, from the North Pole clear through to the South Pole. 

"We saw that the inner surface of the earth was divided, as the other one is, into both land and water. There is plenty of sunshine and both animal and vegetable life abounds there. We sailed further and further into this fantastic country, fantastic because everything was huge in size as compared with things on the outside. Plants are big, trees gigantic and finally we came to GIANTS. 

"They were dwelling in homes and towns, just as we do on the Earth's surface. And they used a type of electrical conveyance like a mono-rail car, to transport people. It ran along the river's edge from town to town. 

"Several of the inner earth inhabitants - huge giants - detected our boat on the river, and were quite amazed. They were, however, quite friendly. We were invited to dine with them in their homes, and so my companion and I separated, he going with one giant to that giant's home and I going with another giant to his home. 

"My gigantic friend brought me home to his family, and I was completely dismayed to see the huge size of all the objects in his home. The dinner table was colossal. A plate was put before me and filled with a portion of food so big it would have fed me abundantly an entire week. The giant offered me a cluster of grapes and each grape was as big as one of our peaches. I tasted one and found it far sweeter than any I had ever tasted `outside.' In the interior of the Earth all the fruits and vegetables taste far better and more flavorsome than those we have on the outer surface of the Earth. 

"We stayed with the giants for one year, enjoying their companionship as much as they enjoyed knowing us. We observed many strange and unusual things during our visit with these remarkable people, and were continually amazed at their scientific progress and inventions. All of this time they were never unfriendly to us, and we were allowed to return to our own home in the same manner in which we came - in fact, they courteously offered their protection it we should need it for the return voyage." 

These giants were evidently members of the antediluvian race of Atlanteans who established residence in the Earth's interior prior to the historic deluge that submerged their Atlantic continent. 

A similar experience of a visit to the hollow interior of the earth, through the polar opening, and entirely independently, was made by another Norwegian named Olaf Jansen and recorded in the book, "The Smoky God," written by Willis George Emerson, an American writer. The book is based on a report made by Jansen to Mr. Emerson before his death, describing his real experience of visiting the interior of the earth and its inhabitants. 

The title, "The Smoky God," refers to the central sun in the hollow interior of the Earth, which, being smaller and less brilliant than our sun, appears as "smoky." The book relates the true experience of a Norse father and son, who, with their small fishing boat and unbounded courage, attempted to find "the land beyond the north wind," as they had heard of its warmth and beauty. An extraordinary windstorm carried them most of the distance, through the polar opening into the hollow interior of the Earth. They spent two years there and returned through the south polar opening. The father lost his life when an iceberg broke in two and destroyed the boat. The son was rescued and subsequently spent 24 years in prison for insanity, as a result of telling the story of his experience to incredulous people. 

When he was finally released, he told the story to no one. After 26 years as a fisherman, he saved enough money to come to the United States and settled in Illinois, and later in California. In his nineties, by accident, the novelist Willis George Emerson befriended him and was told the story. On the old man's death he relinquished the maps that he had made of the interior of the Earth, and the manuscript describing his experiences. He refused to show it to anyone while he was alive, due to his past experience of people disbelieving him and considering him insane if he mentioned the subject. 

The book, "The Smoky God," describing Olaf Jansen's unusual trip to the hollow interior of the Earth, was published in 1908. It tells about the people who dwell inside the Earth, whom he and his father met during their visit and whose language he learned. He said that they live from 400 to 800 years and are highly advanced in science. They can transmit their thoughts from one to another by certain types of radiations and have sources of power greater than our electricity. 

They are the creators of the flying saucers, which are operated by this superior power, drawn from the electromagnetism of the atmosphere. They are twelve or more feet in stature. It is remarkable how this report of a visit to the Earth's interior corresponds with the other described above, yet both were entirely independent of each other. Also the gigantic size of the human beings dwelling in the Earth's interior corresponds to the great size of its animal life, as observed by Admiral Byrd, who, during his 1,700 mile flight beyond the North Pole, observed a strange animal resembling the ancient mammoth. 

We shall present later in this book the theory of Marshall Gardner that the mammoths found enclosed in ice, rather than being prehistoric animals, are really huge animals from the Earth's interior who were carried to the surface by rivers and frozen in the ice that was formed by the water that carried them.