Divine son of god? From immaculate conception? I tend to think not. But the truth is probably even more intriguing than any fan fiction that came out after he died.
We get the gospels in the Bible, and we now have access to additional gospels that give us a more complete picture. Mainstream Christianity however is stuck in a place where they can't see the forest for the trees, because the deep esoteric meanings behind the stories tell us more than we initially understand, because it is both an esoteric and an esoteric message.
Jesus spent his youth in Egypt. It all starts with Egypt. From there we get the mystery schools and the magical practices. Before we meet Jesus in the gospel when he is about to begin his ministry, we have a gap of time.
That time was filled with learning, studying and practicing the art and the occult in Egypt. Jesus was not born the Christ. He became one. As can we all. The Christ is a state of being. The Christ consciousness is akin to Buddha , and all the other enlightened beings that have achieved the highest level. It may take years and it make take multiple lifetimes. But after we reach it, we can move on to the next level of the game
Jesus practiced black magic. Why you ask? Well first let me explain that magic is neither light nor dark. It is simply the force, like yoda taught to Luke. It is how we use it that gives it its flair.
The ability to manifest a reality through magical practice is real. We can change our circumstances through this power. There is no luck, it is only the residue of the right hard work. And often that work is in the subconscious.
Aligning with higher powers, beings not of this physical world is a form of magical practice.
Jesus the mystic was an expert in this as we learn through the gospels. Exorcising demons and commanding spirits. Moving entities into the bodies of pigs. Healing through ritual. Meditation so deep that he left his physical body and walked and talked with the devil.
These are not fantasy. These are possible events that only a practiced magician can accomplish.
What I intend to research and write about here going forward are ideas and concepts dealing with the complex issue of Jesus the mystic, who then became the Christ.
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