If we look at who we are in this world, we might be inclined to think we are just an evolved ape in many respects. A creature who, through evolution, developed a higher form of intelligence, but at it's core, a simple animal. Like an ape.
That mode of thinking might be promoted in conventional learning in schools however I strongly disagree with that notion. I do not think we are simply evolved apes. I instead have come to believe that we were created. Evolution is still just a theory, and the more I look at it, the more it makes no sense.
If we are to believe that we are animals, and through Darwinian evolution we came to be the top of the food chain, then there is information missing. We are not the strongest, we are not the most adept creatures to survive harsh weather and environment. In fact, if we were left alone in the wild without tools, we might die from exposure or as the victim of a predator in time, without having had the chance to use our superior intellect to create a safe dwelling or tools or weapons.
We as humans are not made to fit into this world. We must have been made to rule it. And placed here. Who placed us here? God.
What is God? That I still do not know. I do not know if that is a literal figure or another concept all together. But whatever the creator is, he enabled mankind to survive this experiment. And most likely he created this form that we take on. This body of flesh.
WE are so much more than an intelligent ape. There is nothing to suggest that we are at all the same as the wild creatures we are so often compared to.
Maybe we do have similar body structures but the differences are vast.
So here we are, intelligent creatures in a place we don't belong.
When I look at comparative mythology and comparative religion, I see creation stories that all agree with each other. Maybe not in the smaller details, but in the bigger picture, we as humankind were created by a creator. Someone greater than us. And then we were placed here to live and experience and learn.
If I take a scientific lens and study these ideas I might think that the creator was a higher species that bio-engineered humankind through some sort of DNA splice so that we became the creatures we are today. Bypassing traditional evolution to arrive at the top of the food chain. Placed in a position of power over the rest of the animal kingdom.
Even without the scientific lens, that idea seems to be the most realistic. We have been created and placed in our current position. Traditional evolution theory would not work, as we as humankind would not have survived this long. We had help.
So taking that into account, it is fair to say that this world was created or provided for us. This is for us. It is no accident, it is no big bang. It is not out of chaos that created order. We are the end goal of this world.
Everything is connected. There is a "Force" as Hollywood portrayed on the screen in the Star Wars movies. Something does bind us, and it is in everything. The water around us, the plants, the air.
I believe we can tap into that energy and become part of it. We can manipulate it. We can harness that power.
I am no master of these things, and I don't profess to be. But I do know that this power is real. I wrote a post earlier about mastering one system first. In my case, I grew up with a Christian background. There is some "magick" there. There is healing, and power, and the ability to manifest our own outcomes through the mental focus that we call faith.
Once I found that the church I subscribed to was based on lies, that faith was gone. But only temporally, Because I learned that the underlying teachings were based on truths. The modern churches are guilty of corrupting those truths.
But the man who prays in ignorant faith is able to get what he desires. Is this any less magick than the person who understands the esoteric truths and practices the rituals needed to manifest reality around him?
It is all magick. It is real.
So by mastering one system first is a great avenue to become more powerful.
I will say that the intent must be pure. There cannot be selfishness inside this medium. It is about becoming enlightened. Not for selfish gain.
But like the dark side of the force, those things can be achieved through shortcuts. But in the end it will not lead to fulfillment. It is a matter of achieving higher consciousness and achieving the enlightenment of the Christ consciousness.
The power is based on the mind. The power of the mind is more than the muscles. But it is not a practice that we learn in our society. Only through the esoteric and the occult that we learn the true ability of our souls.
I am on that path. I want to become the true master. I want to help others. I know enough to know that we are more than smart monkeys. We are higher beings having a temporal experiences. It is time to expose the divine inside all of us
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