Sunday, December 11, 2016

The Joe Rogan Flip Part Two

This topic needs a little more discussion than was covered in the last post. So here we go.

It is probably the strangest thing in the conspiracy community to see someone who has conviction and the information and the intelligence go from being a hardcore advocate for uncovering a conspiracy, to flipping completely to support the main stream lie in favor of the event.

This is exactly what Joe Rogan did, and it has left a lot of us asking why. Even one of his close friends, Eddie Bravo, asked him point blank on a podcast episode..."WHAT HAPPENED?"

He wanted to know what occurred to create that dramatic flip.

I admire Eddie for his passion to question mainstream lies and trying to keep an open mind. The cover ups are real. Anyone with eyes to see knows this. If you chose to be blind that is on you. And there is no real excuse for that anymore. The information and the ability to research these topics is easier and easier. Mainly due to the Internet and the abundance of information on just about every topic under the sun.

The thing I have noticed when Eddie gets on a rant discussing any conspiracy theory on Joe's show is that two things happen.

First, Eddie gets really worked up, and his ability to vocalize and assert his points gets muddied. I can accept that. He may not be the most eloquent speaker under pressure, but he definitely has the passion and the information. And he certainly has spent the time looking into the topics he brings up. The downside is that his points come across slightly unclear to the listener. If you are already versed in the topics he discusses, it is tolerable, because you know what he is trying to say, and it's easy enough to understand what he means. But to the every day person who has no exposure to these theories it may seem like incoherent ranting.

Second, Joe knows what Eddie is saying. And Joe is a professional interviewer. He knows how to help his guests along when they struggle. He also knows how to control the conversation and maneuver it to his liking. He does this with Eddie. He will deflect the conversation and steer it away from the topics when he wants. He let's Eddie work himself up on things like 9-11, then plays devils advocate to propose a false sense of balance to the argument. However when Eddie begins to dig into topics that show NASA lies, or theories that really question the paradigm, such as Flat Earth, Joe immediately takes control and mocks the ideas or controls the conversation completely away from the topic.

That is not to say that Rogan has not brought up Flat Earth Theory multiple times on his own, over the course of his podcast episodes. I count at least 10 times that the topic has come up on the Joe Rogan Experience.

At first Joe's responses to the idea were that of mockery. Mocking the concepts and mocking the people who are looking into the topic. In recent conversations he has slightly changed his tone. But only so slightly.

What seems to happen now is that Joe will allow the discussion of Flat Earth. He won't advocate for it, but he let's the topic be discussed on his show. It almost feels that he knows something but won't dare take the side of Flat Earth because that would be devistating to his career. He has to play the part and continue to advocate for NASA, and the globe earth. But maybe inside he knows something is not right. The problem is he has already taken sides. And he can't flip again. So his best approach is to bring the topic up to his audience, for no other reason than to get the ideas out there.

And his audience is massive. That is a lot of people who were exposed to the theory inadvertently. Undoubtedly many of them have been now researching the topic on their own because of it. So maybe, just maybe, Joe wants that. He doesn't want to hide the information. But he can't take sides because of his celebrity, his sponsors, his career...and what ever other reason he may have.

Joe and his staff have obviously watched many of the key videos and read some of the work on Flat Earth theory by some of the best in the community. Mark Sargent, Eric Dubay and others. And watching their videos, one has no other option than to seriously consider the veracity of the theory. They have done good work and their information is great.

Joe has definitely seen these videos and he knows something is up.

I wonder if he regrets flipping for the cause of NASA lies this early in his career. Maybe he had to. Maybe something happened behind the scenes we don't know about. But Joe is the kind of guy who generally has an open mind. So it would be foolish to assume that he doesn't consider these theories in depth.

I'll keep listening to his shows to see if the topic comes up again. I'm definitely curious to see how it will evolve in his podcast. It might be the beginning of change.

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