Saturday Night Live recently did a sketch on their comedy news segment where they referred to the pizzagate scandal as fake news. They didn't just say it once. But several times during the sketch.
What are we left to believe. Mainstream television of course would refer to something so obscure by their standards as fake news.
For those of us in the conspiracy theory circles, something of this nature is not only expected by now, it is more and more common as we expose the world's elite and their secret practices.
Referring to the topic as a fake news report works for comedy's sake, but it is also disingenuous because comedy is also the forum where fringe ideas and controversy can be discussed and laughed at. We've seen it from guys like Chappelle, Carlin, Hicks and Rogan. We've come to expect it from alot of those guys. And for the most part, their comedy writing is good.
And while the SNL sketch was funny, the reference to the pizzagate was gratuitous and unfunny. It felt forced in a way that showed that they obviously wanted to reinforce the mainstream take on the events to solidify the idea that the pizzagate was nothing more than a fake story.
It is hard to dismiss the idea entirely as a fake news story, when researches like David Seaman, and others have been working tirelessly to expose the content of the controversy. Add to that, we know that many elite have long held weird rituals and fetishes as part of their own twisted culture.
There is too many coincidences involving the main players in the story to really beleive that this doesn't at least have some truth to it. Too many weird connections.
SNL is making a comeback as a decent comedy show. But this blatant effort to dismiss alternative media in their efforts to expose the truth is not funny. It is just sad.
For more on the pizzagate scandal, take a listen to the episode of the Higherside Chats with David Seaman. I have re blogged it here on this site.
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