Original found at http://memoryholeblog.com/2015/07/02/charleston-church-shooting-the-roving-body-of-rev-clementa-pinckney/#more-18333
Charleston Church Shooting: The Roving Body of Rev. Clementa Pinckney 11
Submitted by Vivian Lee

Senator and Rev. Pinckney lies in state in the State Capitol, Columbia, SC. [Image Credit: James Keivom, NY Daily News]
Initially, Pinckney lay in state in the rotunda of the South Carolina State Capitol Building in Columbia on June 24, as members of the public filed by. You can watch a clip courtesy of Fox News – 1 hour 6 minutes 58 seconds on Fox 46, just to make sure you believe it.[2] The body lies carefully arranged on a bier, just far enough away from the viewers so they can’t see too much – except for the soles of his very large shoes.
The next day, June 25, the body of the pastor was transported to Ridgeland, SC, for a second viewing at St. John A.M.E. Church. Later that day it was shuttled to Charleston for a third viewing at Emanuel A.M.E. Church, the scene of the alleged shooting. The hapless corpse was then moved to the TD Arena at the College of Charleston for a fourth viewing on June 26. The TD Arena was the site of the funeral on the same day, followed by the burial at St. James A.M.E. Church in Marion, SC.[3] Hundreds upon hundreds participated in this ritual and saw the body. This proves that Pinckney died in the Charleston “massacre.” Or does it?
Serious anomalies have now cropped up, and many questions are left unanswered.[4] The Charleston “massacre” looks like another false-flag staged shooting, as shown by articles on Memory Hole Blog, videos by Redsilverj, and posts elsewhere. Rather than calling this event “the 9/11 of the Black Church,” we should call it the “the Sandy Hook of the Black Church” instead.[5]
Parallels with the Sandy Hook Elementary School “shooting” are indeed striking: a slight, young “shooter” with unlikely marksmanship skills, no photos of the dead or wounded where they fell, fake friends and relatives reciting their scripts without emotion, fake evidence from social media sites and Photoshopped images, a DHS/emergency preparedness drill taking place at the same time and location,[6] and a massive amount of money transferred to the victims’ families – in Charleston, $29 million will be funneled directly to the families from the US Department of Justice.[7]
And let’s not forget the blood. At Sandy Hook no bloody mess was shown, and no one could be found who had cleaned it up according to mandated biohazard waste disposal procedures. Likewise with Charleston. Amazingly, the Emanuel A.M.E. Church opened its doors for its regular Sunday morning service four days after the massacre,[8] with overflow seating “set up in the wood-paneled basement, where the shooting took place, with folding tables and chairs set on linoleum floors that showed no evidence of the events of a few nights earlier.” This despite the prodigious cleaning job resulting from the bodies “left in a bloody pile” in the basement.[9]
But this time they improved on the Sandy Hook scenario. Alongside the highly publicized funerals of the “victims,” we now have a televised viewing – showing the entire body of one of the slain: the Rev. Clementa Pinckney.[10] Clearly, the missing bodies of the Sandy Hook children created a problem for the official story – and a bonanza for internet researchers. At Sandy Hook, none of the bodies was shown to the public in an open casket,[11] but at Charleston we have a complete corpse! They missed a few things, however.[12] First of all, the dead Pinckney doesn’t look exactly like the reverend when he was alive. Second, no sign of a violent shooting death (good undertakers?). Third, no wedding ring (removed by his wife as a keepsake?).[13] A good production, but not quite there yet.[14] Maybe they will get it right next time.
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